E-News | February 2022
Spotlight on Alliance Trials

Alliance INVESTIGATORS StudY New Ways to Prevent Cancer

February is National Cancer Prevention Month! Each year, more than 1.8 million people in the United States will be diagnosed with cancer and more than 600,000 will die of cancer. Research shows that nearly 50 percent of cancer cases and about 50 percent of cancer deaths are preventable - especially with the knowledge and information currently available. Alliance investigators are working hard to explore and study new ways to prevent cancer.

Take a look at two Alliance trials from our prevention trials portfolio that focus on breast cancer prevention and smoking cessation. Both trials are currently recruiting participants.

:: For patients with atypical hyperplasia or in situ breast cancer ::

Alliance A211102 (Testing for atypia in random periareolar fine needle aspiration (RPFNA) cytology after 12 months metformin (1,1-dimethyl biguanide hydrochloride) chemoprevention versus placebo control in premenopausal women) is being led by Victoria L. Seewaldt, MD, of City of Hope. This randomized phase III trial studies metformin hydrochloride to see how well it works compared to placebo in preventing breast cancer in patients with atypical hyperplasia or in situ breast cancer. Chemoprevention is the use of certain drugs to keep cancer from forming. The use of metformin hydrochloride may prevent breast cancer. The trial opened on February 1, 2015. To learn more about this trial, visit CT.gov. (ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT01905046) | Alliance Member Site

:: For rural patients with cancer who smoke ::

Alliance A211901 (Reaching rural cancer survivors who smoke using text-based cessation interventions | Project Reach) is being led by Devon Noonan, PhD, MPH, FNP-B, of Duke School of Nursing. This phase III trial, which opened December 1, 2021, compares the effect of text-based cessation intervention to a manual in helping rural cancer patients who smoke, quit. Text-based scheduled gradual reduction may reduce the frequency of cigarette use to zero and may be effective in quitting smoking. To learn more about this trial, visit CT.gov. (ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT05008848) | Alliance Member Site